Weir Memorial Park

Establishment and park at 2495 Chemin Cedarville, Ogden, QC J0B 3E33E3, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Weir Memorial Park: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Establishment   Park  

2495 Chemin Cedarville
Quebec J0B 3E33E3
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+1 819-876-7157

Opening hours

Sunday 12:00pm — 06:00pm
Tuesday 12:00pm — 06:00pm
Wednesday 12:00pm — 06:00pm
Thursday 12:00pm — 06:00pm
Friday 12:00pm — 06:00pm
Saturday 12:00pm — 06:00pm


1 /5

Based on 2 reviews

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Reviews of Weir Memorial Park

    Gerald Auger Added 2017-11-04
    Washrooms not clean. Did not honor our 1 1/2 month reservation. Will not return nor recommend.
    Manakila Stephens Added 2017-09-27
    A complete white trash trailer park on the lake that that is filled with drug addicted, drunken lowlifes that like to party loudly all night long. What a shame. Other than that it is a nice location with a boat ramp, picnic tables and a small restaurant.

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